Catholic Education
We pray:
We pray:
- That our Catholic schools may reveal the glory of God in all that they do
- That our year of ‘Courage to Lead’ may be rooted in the synodal practices of listening, dialogue and discernment
- That our Catholic schools may nurture the growth of wisdom and virtue in the young
- For unity and solidarity within our communities
CEAY is hiring!
Now seeking an Executive Director and Administrative Clerk. Submit applications to: [email protected] Yukon Catholic Schools are reviewing the
5 Marks of Catholic School Identity, using this resource as a guide to direct goals and priorities in our schools. Here is the brochure with a summary of the 5 Marks. Here is a video from Alberta, our partner in Catholic Education, from Archbishop Richard Smith on the first mark: Made in the Image of God. Circle of Caring IV, the current strategic plan
for Yukon Catholic schools, was completed in 2018 and continues to guide CEAY objectives. See how CEAY is moving forward to address the challenges and celebrate the strengths of our Catholic school community The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB)
has published a Pastoral Letter to Young People. For more information and resources on this publication, visit their website page here. They also have pastoral letters to the Indigenous people of Canada. Letter to the People of God in Canada That We May Walk Together |
From the Vatican February 2023:
The Identity of The Catholic School for a Culture of Dialogue Why Catholic Schools Matter:
A reflection from Bishop Barron through Word on Fire |
St. Francis of Assisi Secondary School Council
Ryan Sikkes Chris Potvin Jeannette Gallant Rod Bagaslao Katherine Williams |
Here is the 2024-2025 school calendar as issued by the Department of Education, Yukon Government